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Code Comparison

Code Comparison

A component which compares two code snippets.

import { NextRequest } from 'next/server';

export const middleware = async (req: NextRequest) => {
  let user = undefined;
  let team = undefined;
  const token = req.headers.get('token'); 

  if(req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/auth')) {
    user = await getUserByToken(token);

    if(!user) {
      return NextResponse.redirect('/login');

  if(req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/team')) {
    user = await getUserByToken(token);

    if(!user) {
      return NextResponse.redirect('/login');

    const slug = req.nextUrl.query.slug;
    team = await getTeamBySlug(slug); // [!code highlight]

    if(!team) { // [!code highlight]
      return NextResponse.redirect('/'); // [!code highlight]
    } // [!code highlight]
  } // [!code highlight]

  return; // [!code highlight]

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!_next/|_static|_vercel|[\w-]+\.\w+).*)'], // [!code highlight]
import { createMiddleware, type MiddlewareFunctionProps } from '@app/(auth)/auth/_middleware';
import { auth } from '@/app/(auth)/auth/_middleware'; // [!code --]
import { auth } from '@/app/(auth)/auth/_middleware'; // [!code ++]
import { team } from '@/app/(team)/team/_middleware';

const middlewares = {
  '/auth{/:path?}': auth,
  '/team{/:slug?}': [ auth, team ],

export const middleware = createMiddleware(middlewares); // [!code focus]

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!_next/|_static|_vercel|[\w-]+\.\w+).*)'],



classNamestring-The class name to be applied to the component
beforeCodestring-The code snippet to display in the "before" section
afterCodestring-The code snippet to display in the "after" section
languagestring-The language of the code snippets (e.g., "typescript")
filenamestring-The filename to display for the code snippets
lightThemestringgithub-lightThe theme to use for light mode
darkThemestringgithub-darkThe theme to use for dark mode
highlightColorstringrgba(101, 117, 133, 0.16)The color to use for highlighting the code snippets