12 min read — Published 3 months ago

How To Create A Next JS App With React

Combine the features of React with the benefits of Next JS in this tutorial on creating a Next JS app. Get started and enhance your coding skills.

UI Frameworks
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Are you struggling to find the perfect UI Framework for your project? You will learn all about creating an app with Next JS and the benefits it can bring to your project. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this read will help you to discover the full potential of Next JS for your project's success.

Looking to get a head start on your project? MagicUI's React component library is your go-to resource for creating an app with Next JS. Get the benefits of this fantastic tool and learn how it can take your project to a whole new level. Start your journey today with MagicUI!

What Is Next JS

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Next.js is a revolutionary React framework that is taking the web development world by storm, offering ways to build user-facing static websites and web applications. Known for its SEO-friendly attributes and supercharged performance, Next.js is a developer's dream come true. But what makes this framework so special, and why should you consider using it for your next project?

Hybrid Static and Server Rendering for Lightning-Fast Load Times

One of Next.js's standout features is its hybrid static and server rendering capabilities. This means that you can serve static pages for lightning-fast load times while also having the option to dynamically render pages on the server when needed. The result is a snappy user experience that keeps visitors engaged without sacrificing performance.

TypeScript Support for Strongly-Typed Development

For developers who crave the structure and safety of TypeScript, Next.js delivers with robust support for this popular programming language. With TypeScript, you can catch errors before they happen, write cleaner code, and enjoy enhanced productivity throughout development.

Smart Bundling and Route Prefetching for Optimal Performance

Next.js takes care of the heavy lifting when bundling your app for production. With smart bundling, only the necessary code is sent to the user's browser, resulting in faster load times and improved performance. Next.js uses route prefetching to anticipate which pages a user might visit next, preloading them in the background for a seamless browsing experience.

No Configuration Needed for Production-Ready Applications

Say goodbye to extensive configuration files and boilerplate code - Next.js provides everything you need out of the box to build production-ready applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or starting out, you can hit the ground running with Next.js and build amazing websites and web applications quickly.

Next JS Styling And Features

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Next.js supports:

  • Styling with CSS

  • Precompiled Scss and Sass

  • CSS-in-JS

  • Styled JSX

In addition, it is built with TypeScript support and smart bundling. The open-source transpiler SWC transforms and compiles code into JavaScript that is usable by a browser. TurboPack, another open-source tool, bundles the modules afterward. All of these tools are used with npm in a terminal.

Server-Side Rendering

The main feature of Next.js is its use of server-side rendering to reduce the burden on web browsers and provide enhanced security. This can be done for any part of the application or the entire system, allowing content-rich pages to be singled out for server-side rendering. It can also be done only for first-time visitors to reduce the burden on web browsers that have yet to download site assets. 

Developer Experience

The hot reloading feature detects changes as they are made and re-renders the appropriate pages so the server avoids the need to be restarted. This allows changes to the application code to be immediately reflected in the web browser, though some browsers will require the page to be refreshed. 

The software uses page-based routing for developer convenience and includes support for dynamic routing. Other features include hot-module replacement so that modules can be replaced live, automatic code splitting, which only includes code necessary to load the page, and page prefetching to reduce load time.

Static Site Generation & Incremental Regeneration

Next.js also supports incremental static regeneration and static site generation—a compiled version of the website is usually built during build time and saved as a .next folder. When a user makes a request, the pre-built version, which is a static HTML page, is cached and sent to them. This makes the load time very fast, but it's unsuitable for every website, particularly for interactive sites that change often and utilize a lot of user input.

Streamlining UI Development

MagicUI is a free and open-source UI library that we designed specifically for design engineers. It offers a collection of over 20 animated components built with React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion. We provide a range of visually appealing and interactive elements that can be easily integrated into web applications, allowing us to create stunning user interfaces with minimal effort. 

MagicUI components are highly customizable, enabling seamless adaptation to match our desired branding and design requirements. With our focus on animation and a design-centric approach, MagicUI aims to bridge the gap between design and development, empowering us to craft captivating digital experiences. Along with our free component library, with MagicUI Pro, you can save thousands of hours creating a beautiful landing page and converting your visitors into customers with our website templates. 

Use our React component library for free today at https://magicui.design/docs.

Why Use Next JS

Next JSNext JS

Rich Ecosystem

Next.js benefits from the wide adoption of JavaScript and strong support from industry giants like Vercel and Meta. It offers a rich talent pool and ease of learning.

Future-Proof Technology

With regular updates and support from the community and industry leaders, Next.js represents a future-proof solution in web development. Its alignment with the latest web standards makes it a strategic asset for long-term business goals and technology roadmaps.

Easy Scalability

Next.js supports scalability through features like automatic code splitting, flexible rendering options, and optimized image handling. These features ensure efficient resource utilization and performance under high traffic.

High Security

Offering a wide range of tools for building secure web applications, Next.js addresses critical areas like authentication and data validation. It is crucial for maintaining user trust and data integrity in the face of growing cyber threats.

Performance Optimization

Key features in Next.js, such as lazy loading, image optimization, code splitting, and route prefetching, positively influence site performance.


Another great feature added to Next.js is internationalization. Creating an enterprise application can be easily translated into different languages worldwide. This feature is an addition to Next.js and makes Next.js internationally recognized because it takes less configuration to set up internalization.

Zero Config

Next.js compiles and builds automatically with hot refresh without any extra configuration from you, and it automatically scales and optimizes your production application.

Prebuilt SSR, SSG, and CSR Support

With Next.js, you can support server-side rendering, static generation, and client-side rendering in one application. You can decide the type of application you want to build and how you intend to compile it to best suit your use case. Server-side rendering makes Next.js suitable for large-scale SEO-oriented production-ready applications, and configuring it is a breeze.

What You Can Build With Next JS

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Next.js can be used to build various websites with various goals and purposes. The benefits it offers and its server-side rendering feature make it an ideal choice for certain types of web applications. Here are some of the specific cases where using Next.js is advantageous:

1. Large Multi-User Websites

Next.js works well for websites with many users where server-side rendering can enhance performance and scalability.

2. Client-Side Rendered Applications (SPA/MPA)

If you are building a complex web application that requires client-side rendering, Next.js can be a great choice due to its efficiency.

3. E-Commerce Platforms

Next.js is suitable for building e-commerce platforms that need dynamic content and fast loading times to optimize the user experience.

4. Web Portals

Websites that serve as gateways to a broad range of services or information can benefit from Next.js's server-side rendering capabilities.

5. Content-Heavy Websites

If you want to build a website with significant content, Next.js can help manage the content efficiently and ensure fast loading times.

6. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Next.js is an excellent framework for building PWAs due to its capabilities for creating fast, engaging, and responsive web applications.

7. MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)

Next.js can rapidly develop MVPs and prototypes to test ideas and concepts before investing in full-scale development.

In addition to these advanced web applications, Next.js can be used for simpler websites, such as B2B and SaaS or finance websites. Its versatility and performance optimization make it suitable for various web development projects.

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TikTok, a social media app for short-form mobile videos, utilizes Next.js to scale and optimize its web page for millions of daily active users.


Loom, a video communication platform, enables users to create screen recordings to share with colleagues. Next.js is the core of Loom's software.

Twitch Mobile

Twitch, a platform for chatting, interacting, and enjoying various content, is another example of a Next.js project showcasing the framework's wide possibilities.


Hulu, a platform for watching movies and TV shows online, is powered by Next.js.


Deliveroo, a food delivery app popular in the United Kingdom, is a great example of a Next.js project.


Binance, a popular cryptocurrency portal, relies on Next.js to power its platform, with millions of active users engaging in daily crypto trading.

How To Create A Next JS App

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Creating a new Next.js project is easy and straight to the point. You can create a Next.js project differently, but CLI is the most preferred and recommended approach. 

  • To create a new Next.js application with CLE, have NPX installed (NPX has been shipped by default since npm 5.2.0), npm v6.1, or yarn.

  • Type in the following command in the right folder you want to place your Next.js project:

    npx create-next-app // Follow the instructions to create your first Next.js project. cd <project-name> npm run dev
  • Make sure to replace the <project-name> with your actual project name. You can then start creating different pages and components required by your project.

  • After creating a new Next.js project from a CLI, you’ll notice a Next.js app with a lean folder tree. This default folder structure is the bare minimum to run a Next.js app. When you build your project, you’ll initially have more folders and files than the framework.

Core Next.js Folders: app/pages, public, and styles

The only Next.js-specific folders are the app or pages, public, and styles folders. These should not be renamed unless you’re prepared to adjust additional configurations.

Below is the default folder structure for a new Next.js project:

# other files and folders, .gitignore, package.json...
├── api
│   └── hello.js
├── page.js
├── favicon.ico
├── vercel.svg
├── globals.css
└── Home.module.css

Drawbacks Of Using Next JS

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Development and maintenance cost

The flexibility provided by Next.js can come at a high price, including development and maintenance costs. You might need a dedicated Next.js developer and frontend expert to make changes and maintain the application, which can be costly.

Lack of built-in state manager

Next.js does not offer built-in support for state management. If you need any form of state management, you must install and use it, just like you would with React.

Low on plugins

When using Next.js, you may find fewer easy-to-adapt plugins available than other frameworks. This could limit your options and require more custom solutions.

Check Out Our React Component Library for Design Engineers

MagicUI is a free and open-source UI library designed specifically for design engineers to create stunning user interfaces with minimal effort. With over 20 animated components built with:

  • React

  • TypeScript

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Framer Motion

MagicUI offers a range of visually appealing and interactive elements that can be easily integrated into web applications. These highly customizable components allow seamless adaptation to match desired branding and design requirements. Through its focus on animation and a design-centric approach, MagicUI aims to bridge the gap between design and development, empowering users to craft captivating digital experiences.

MagicUI Pro: Simplifying Web Development

MagicUI Pro allows users to save thousands of hours and create a beautiful landing page to convert visitors into customers with its website templates. Users can easily create visually appealing and interactive web applications by utilizing the React component library at no cost. MagicUI Pro provides an efficient solution for design engineers to streamline their development process and deliver exceptional user experiences to their audience.

Dillion Verma

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